Home Videos There’s No Crying In Spilled Milk Day

There’s No Crying In Spilled Milk Day

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day elicits some funny (and curious) responses from South Florida comics and wrestlers in this video.

by Chuck king

DELRAY BEACH – The axiom has seemingly been around forever. Who know there would someday be a day for it?

Friday, Feb. 11, 2022 is National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day.

It turns out, South Florida comics are a bit split when it comes to crying over spilled milk. Comics Perry Sak, David Sadman, Brett Morris, John Loveless and Nico Bolling also have some curious ideas as to what to do when milk is spilled, which they were happy to share with Applause Break.

Once again joining the comics are Cha Cha Charlie and Ariel Levy, two title belt holders from Coastal Championship Wrestling. As CCW wrestlers they don’t know much about crying, but they have probably spilled more than their fair share of milk in their day.

What’s the origin of the phase? That remains unclear. National Day Calendar points out that James Howell references a proverb “No weeping for shed milk” as far back as 1659.

How should Americans celebrate Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day?

Well, they could elect to interpret the phrase literally by spilling a little milk and feeling nothing about it. They could even be a bit rebellious by spilling a little milk and laughing about it.

Or they could look deeper within the proverb, decide that the past is the past and move on. Envision a positive future. Take the advice from “Caddyshack.” Be the ball.

Those who do spill some milk, or have some sort of uplifting message about how they let go of a troubling incident or choice can share on social media by using the hashtag “DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay.

And if you liked the above video, subscribe to our YouTube channel. There’s plenty more to come.

Previous National Day Celebration Videos

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Feb. 9 2022: National Pizza Day

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Jan. 25, 2022: National Florida Day
Jan. 28, 2022: Have Fun At Work Day


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Dec. 21: National Humbug Day
Dec 30: National Bacon Day

Nov. 3: National Sandwich Day
Nov. 5: National Donut Day
Nov. 16: National Fast Food Day
Nov. 20: National Absurdity Day

OCTOBER: Bat Appreciation Month
Oct. 2: National Name Your Car Day
OCT. 5: National Get Funky Day
Oct. 7: National Inner Beauty Day
Oct. 9: National Moldy Cheese Day
Oct. 24: National Bologna Day

Sept. 19: National Talk Like A Pirate Day
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